
Showing posts from July, 2021

Final Post

  Relationship with Technology Throughout my life technology has always been around. It's crazy to think in my life span that technology has always been there, talking with my parents about technology they always talk about the things they would have to do because the technology wasn't as advanced as it is now. But now technology is so advanced that living life itself is so different that everything we interact with technology is there. This means that everyday life is always interacting with technology. Is my everyday life relationship with technology healthy or unhealthy? I would say my relationship is right in the middle. Somedays I use technology very minimally and some days I use it a lot. But the biggest negative I have in the relationship is a distraction. Usually, when I'm doing work my phone or computer will be very close to me and I could be halfway through my assignment and I will get a text or a snap or notification for a social media post. I will check the noti


 Online Privacy Online privacy has become a big topic over the past couple of years because of the growth of social media. Almost all information that gets put online by you can be seen or distributed even though you thought you were protecting your info. This is a very scary thing because you never know what could happen to your online info. This could affect my family and I because much of our information and cards could be traced and have money taken away from us. Many people can't afford to have any money taken from them to help provide for their families. This is why online privacy is so important. Not only can your info be taken but personal info could be found and things about you could go public that you don't want people to know.  So what could the government do to help stop this? The government could make it illegal to track or look up others' information. Because as of now some of the biggest companies in the world can look up all the info they want and will ha

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Video Reflection   Learning about Artificial Intelligence is scary and amazing at the same time. Seeing the exponential growth of technology in our lives is an extraordinary experience. Seeing the growth can make you think about the pros and cons and why maybe we would want to slow down a little on the growth of technology. I believe one of the biggest pros would be efficiency. Meaning that everything we do will become quicker and more reliable with the help of AI. Things that would take hours can now be done in seconds and take little to no effort. This means though that people will become lazier and rely more on technology. The cons are more extensive for sure. Like people losing their job because a computer can do what they can do in less time and be way more cost-efficient. also, the risk of these AI invading privacy to gather more information about yourself for future references on what you like. The craziness with AI will only grow and be more and more int