Final Post

 Relationship with Technology

Throughout my life technology has always been around. It's crazy to think in my life span that technology has always been there, talking with my parents about technology they always talk about the things they would have to do because the technology wasn't as advanced as it is now. But now technology is so advanced that living life itself is so different that everything we interact with technology is there. This means that everyday life is always interacting with technology. Is my everyday life relationship with technology healthy or unhealthy? I would say my relationship is right in the middle. Somedays I use technology very minimally and some days I use it a lot. But the biggest negative I have in the relationship is a distraction. Usually, when I'm doing work my phone or computer will be very close to me and I could be halfway through my assignment and I will get a text or a snap or notification for a social media post. I will check the notification then I find myself just looking at my phone for the next fifteen minutes distracting myself from my work. That's the only downside of technology in my life besides spending a lot of time on it. I am a game design major so I do spend a lot of time on my computer working on things but that's about it. I could spend a lot less time on technology and it is something I am going to work on.

As far as my presence on online media, I don't post much. I like to keep my life somewhat private and distant from social platforms because I don't want everyone who views my page to be able to assume who I am. I do have most social media such as Snapchat, Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook but my participation in them is very limited. I do see a problem in our modern time where people do care a lot about their image online. This I believe is a very horrible thing because you have people caring too much about what other people think and not enough about what you think. What I mean by that is you should care about yourself and your interests more than what others are interested in. And the reason is you will only be beating yourself up to be like others when you could be yourself and learn to love yourself. Social platforms can help but most of the time they do not. It puts a wrong image of what people should be like in the public eye, making kids and young adults feel horrible about themselves because they're not like the big social influencer and artists they look up to. We need to start promoting being yourself more to make kids feel more comfortable in their skin. Technology has done great things for us but has also harmed the lives of many in the younger generation. These young kids should be taught how to go about using social media. With a little guidance, technology can change for the better but it will take time. 




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