Eight Values of Free Expression


Eight Values of Free Expression

    After reading the eight values of free expression many of the values stood out to me. Two in particular to me were very important in today's modern times and situations. The value that I want to speak about is the values of Stable Change. This value has been very important in these last few years when it comes to the racism and criticism in the African Americans communities. Recently in our world police systems and other groups of people have been generally racist and one sided when it comes to the freedoms and rights that us Americans have. What I mean by this is that racism is still very prominent in our America today and African Americans have every single right to talk and protest how they feel to get the message across. With the recent events of BLM marches and protests it has given the African American communities a great opportunity to express how they feel about what is going on in our America today. The value of stable change is very important right now as the marches and protests take place, because the African American community is angry and alienated as they should be as what has happened in the recents events. These values protect them and their rights because their voices need to be heard around the world and country to help make a stop to the racism and violence towards African Americans in our country.  This value is personal to me because having black friends and a black girlfriend I was also angered and saddened about what has been going on in our country. Everyone deserves equal rights and everyone deserves the same opportunities. It doesn't matter about your ethnicity, it is our right to feel this way and I am truly happy about these values to help protect the marches and protests to make sure our country is safe and make sure everyone feels equal. We talked about technologies and how they can be very useful in the matters of our first amendment. With platforms like instagram and twitter people have been using them to help spread their points and expressions about the matter of BLM and to make sure it spreads to a wider audience than just around them. These technologies give some of the biggest names such as athletes, actors, artists, political figures and much more a platform to express the opinions and educate others about what is going on to help spread the word and inform what's going on in our country and what they can do to help bring a end to this racism across our country. These important figures using their platforms is massive because it promotes others to use their platforms to get the message out to even more people to help end racism. These values overall all help people in different situations to express their first amendment rights and promote how they feel to others while using all different types of platforms such as the one I said in instagram and twitter. All the values are important to me and help people express how they feel.


- https://www.instagram.com/

- https://twitter.com/


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