The Diffusion Theory Blog #7

 Youtube: Theory of Diffusion 

One very innovative piece of social media in the past decade was youtube. Youtube was created in 2005, to help people share home videos over the internet. But since then youtube has expanded to be one of the biggest social platforms in the world and has created many jobs for people. Youtube was able to catch on to the everyday life of many because it gave people a way to upload or watch things they are interested in without having to turn on the tv. So many people became early adopters of youtube because the platform was easily usable and gave people an outlet to express how they feel through videos. Videos were made about all sorts of things, literally anything you could think of there is probably a youtube video of it out there. Some people didn't adapt to youtube because it can be very personal. Some people like “vlogging” which is recording your day to day showing people what you like doing and what you have done during that day. Some people just don't want that type of personal information out there on the internet for anyone to see. This is what I believe is the only negative to youtube and why some people wouldn't want to make videos or watch them. I believe in this circumstance that  the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. This is because I believe having an outlet  where you can let your creativity out or express how you feel to many people around the world is super beneficial. Some people would never know they have talent until they see the feedback on youtube. Yes there are gonna be cases where it doesn't work out for you, but at the same time you gave it a chance and had the opportunity to show the world what you wanted. This is why Youtube in my opinion was caught on by many and innovated to be what it is today in this world.


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