Blog #4: First Amendment

Blog #4: First Amendment


 The article I will be talking about is directed towards how the death of george floyd changed the conversation of the BLM movement. I talked about the BLM movement in my last post and I still believe it's a great topic to talk about in the direction of the first amendment. The eight values of free expression definitely help when the topic is brought up. The anger and passion towards this topic is allowed to be expressed over social media because they are public platforms with huge audiences. The first amendment condones freedom of speech which is perfect for this current event because people need to talk out and educate others about what is going on in our country. What it does not condone is the violence and aggression towards others and the government. But this topic needs to have some aggression towards the government to help the government understand the changes that need to be done for racism across our country. The first amendment is not violated if a private company speaks their minds, the bill of rights protects that. This helped in the case of George floyd because private companies were helping spread the awareness of the situation and brought it to a broader audience. If people feel censored online and feel they can't speak their opinion about the situation they should have nothing to worry about if the post is not hurting anyone in any way. The actions that happened to George Floyd were not right and not justified. People should feel safe to open up and address the situation. 


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