EOTO #2: Online influencers

 EOTO #2: Online influencers

What is an online influencer? An online influencer is someone who has a big following on a social media platform that helps brands market products and is someone who has a lot of followers making them someone people look up to. In recent years online influencers have become some of the biggest personalities in America and have a great influence on the younger generation ahead. The implication of an influencer is just someone with a huge following that brands do deals with to help promote things and products to the public. For example, many companies will reach out to YouTubers and do deals with them to put their product of some sort in their videos so maybe that influencers audience will be more inclined to purchase or seek out this product. This is good for companies because it helps them market without having to go to commercial television and make commercials. They can have just as many people see their product and spend less money by just having this single person have this product in their video. Also, influencers can just be someone with a massive following and influence on people. This can also be very bad tho. Because many of these influencers are the rare people who have the image and personality to do this and it makes younger kids strive to be this influencer and not strive to be themselves. I am personally against influencers even though they will never go away. I am against them because young kids now just want to be like those influencers on Instagram or youtube when in reality these people are horrible people who are teaching these young kids bad values and social structure. 

    These influencers affect all people regardless of ethnicity, race, size, or gender. These people are marketed to everyone. But this can be very detrimental because it can make people strive to be something they are not in a negative way. I've seen this first hand. There are beautiful women on these platforms with huge followings to younger girls. And this influencer could be a white female with straight hair. This could make the young girls of different ethnicities and hair types very self-conscious because they don't have that naturally straight hair. And this is just one example directed towards females. This whole influencer thing is creating a generation of anxiety and depression because these younger audiences should be striving to be the best themselves they can be rather than trying to emulate the influencer. This has affected me and the loved ones around me. I can say I have fallen victim to wanting to be something I wasn't but then realizing there is no one else is like me and that I love myself because I am me. I've seen it affect many family members in many ways. Being an influencer at this age is hard because I can only imagine trying to never mess up and be a perfect image for those who are watching you. But at the end of the day, everyone makes mistakes and that's okay. Mistakes are how you grow and become a better person. But these influencers make it seem to this younger generation that you have to be or look or act a certain way if you want to fit into social norms. 






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