Supreme Court

     Having little knowledge about the supreme court before it was nice to be able to educate myself more about the reasons it was established and how it came to be in the evolution of America. What I learned about the supreme court that I didn't know before is that it has say about the other two branches of the government. I thought before that the supreme court only had say about the laws that our countries has and deals with major cases that deal with these laws. It's interesting to know that the supreme court is also part of all other parts of our government giving them much responsibility. My most important take away from the supreme court is defiantly that they decide what laws are past and what aren't. Having a dependable group of nine people who can collectively decide what is right and wrong for the country is very important and impressive. Seeing those nine people now think about what benefits the country most is amazing. The most surprising thing that I learned is that the supreme court is who deals with a president being impeached. This was interesting to me because I thought that it would be held in a different setting within the government. But in American history they have yet to impeach a [president yet which is very surprising. The video changed the way I thought about the supreme court because I didn't completely understand how it came to be and the change of events that lead to its establishment. 


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