Top 5 Sources for news and information

     When It comes to news and information I like to be able to read a wide variety of services because it can give me the best possible range of information. I read a lot of news sources with a wide genre of topics. Being a game design major I love to keep up with what is happening in the gaming world so I do read many game related services. I also like to pay attention to what is going on around the world so I do look at the popular services for news. I also like to look at social medias to see what is going on with celebrities, artists, friends and athletes that I enjoy. So here are my top 5 sources for news. 

1.) PC Gamer:


  PC Gamer is a news service within the gaming world. PC Gamers has news about all things gaming whether it's about a new release coming out soon, information about certain products, and things about the developers and their communities. What I enjoy most about PC Gamer is that I can find the information easy and accurately. I recommend this platform to anyone who enjoys gaming, the platform has info about all games and platforms and ranges with articles for all ages. The website is easy to navigate and ultimately is very reliable in its information 

2.) Wall Street Journal:


   The Wall street journal is one of the news sources I like to use for reading about what is going on around the world. Reading about important things that are going on is something I believe everyone should do. I don't like to be out of the loop with important info, this is because being educated about our country and what is going on within it can help you in many ways. I would recommend this source to many people because it is fast with coming out with articles about current events and the information is very accurate. 

3.) Instagram:

    I love using instagram a service of information nor for world news or serious matters, I like using instagram to keep up with the celebrities and athletes that I like to follow. Most big personalities in current time are pretty active on all social medias to tell their fans what they are up too and how their life is going. Instagram is a great source and easy to use for pretty much all ages. The platform has great and easy way to pay attention to what is going on with some of your favorite personalities. I recommend instagram to anyone who is a fan of someone or something in a way because pretty much all of major teams and celebrities have their own instagram account that are updated frequently to keep you in the loop. Overall this sources is great for personal use and entertainment. 

4.) Rolling Stone:

    One thing I also do in my free time is listen to music and try to discover new artists and genres within music. Another news service that I personally love using is Rolling Stone, this is because the service does a great job on keeping up with what is going on in the music world. Giving information about new bands, tour dates, and upcoming things within the music realm. Rolling stone also has great info on movies and actors. I recommend Rolling Stone to everyone because the website has everything you need to know about what is going on within the industry. The music industry is so massive and Rolling Stone covers it all from small bands to massive artists. 

5.) Sports Illustrated:

     The last source I am going to be talking about is sports illustrated. Growing up I always played sports and so did my siblings. I still watching all different types of professional sports and love to keep up with whats going on in the sports world. Sports illustrated does a great job talking about all sports and giving accurate information about whats happening with your favorite teams and players. With NBA playoffs happening right now SI is a great place to read about what the players are thinking during their series and their thoughts about other series as well. I recommend SI to anyone who loves sports and would like to be more in tune with the sports realm. 


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