Why don't we hear or see certain articles? Blog #6

    In the mainstream media it is very hard to see anything about anti war or anything that isn't exactly promoted or co-signed by the government. It almost seems that you have to go outta your way and seek out this information on your own. These websites such as Antiwar.com and the American Conservative are rare to find in google searches and many platforms because it goes against the American norm even though it’s their right to talk about this and educate others about what they are feeling. I believe you have to seek out these websites because the military doesn't want the everyday person to hear negative things about the military because they want it to keep its reputation and strong representation to the public. Being honest before having to look at these sites for class I have never heard or seen of these websites before. Which ultimately makes me think that the military and government doesn't want this kind of negativity towards them on the internet for the whole public to see. I believe we’ve never heard of these antiwar voices because the mainstream public is supposed to see the positive side of the military and not the negative. They want us to think that everything that goes on within the government and military to be positive and very American. When the truth is that not everything is good there is some bad. I respect the military tremendously with multiple family members being with the US military but I do believe that the general public should be informed about the good and the bad that happens within.  




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