
Showing posts from June, 2021

EOTO #2: Online influencers

  EOTO #2: Online influencers What is an online influencer? An online influencer is someone who has a big following on a social media platform that helps brands market products and is someone who has a lot of followers making them someone people look up to. In recent years online influencers have become some of the biggest personalities in America and have a great influence on the younger generation ahead. The implication of an influencer is just someone with a huge following that brands do deals with to help promote things and products to the public. For example, many companies will reach out to YouTubers and do deals with them to put their product of some sort in their videos so maybe that influencers audience will be more inclined to purchase or seek out this product. This is good for companies because it helps them market without having to go to commercial television and make commercials. They can have just as many people see their product and spend less money by just having this

The Diffusion Theory Blog #7

  Youtube: Theory of Diffusion  One very innovative piece of social media in the past decade was youtube. Youtube was created in 2005, to help people share home videos over the internet. But since then youtube has expanded to be one of the biggest social platforms in the world and has created many jobs for people. Youtube was able to catch on to the everyday life of many because it gave people a way to upload or watch things they are interested in without having to turn on the tv. So many people became early adopters of youtube because the platform was easily usable and gave people an outlet to express how they feel through videos. Videos were made about all sorts of things, literally anything you could think of there is probably a youtube video of it out there. Some people didn't adapt to youtube because it can be very personal. Some people like “vlogging” which is recording your day to day showing people what you like doing and what you have done during that day. Some people ju

Why don't we hear or see certain articles? Blog #6

      In the mainstream media it is very hard to see anything about anti war or anything that isn't exactly promoted or co-signed by the government. It almost seems that you have to go outta your way and seek out this information on your own. These websites such as and the American Conservative are rare to find in google searches and many platforms because it goes against the American norm even though it’s their right to talk about this and educate others about what they are feeling. I believe you have to seek out these websites because the military doesn't want the everyday person to hear negative things about the military because they want it to keep its reputation and strong representation to the public. Being honest before having to look at these sites for class I have never heard or seen of these websites before. Which ultimately makes me think that the military and government doesn't want this kind of negativity towards them on the internet for the whole p

The Origin of Youtube.

Youtube And Its Evolution:      There are many technologies over the course of time that have been invented to improve, entertain, communicate, travel and much much more. But in recent times many technologies have been created to entertain the public. And one of the oldest ways to entertain people has been cinematography. One website that was created to entertain on a whole new level was Youtube. A platform created in 2005 that was invented to help people share moments from their household videos by uploading them to the public online. Youtube has since blew up and become one of the biggest platforms in the world with millions of creators who put out content everyday. People started posting videos of their hobbies, opinions, and viral content to the whole world. Youtube was created on February 14th, 2005 by three people Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. These three were former employees of the company Paypal and believed a website where people could post their home videos to sh

Blog #4: First Amendment

Blog #4: First Amendment link:   The article I will be talking about is directed towards how the death of george floyd changed the conversation of the BLM movement. I talked about the BLM movement in my last post and I still believe it's a great topic to talk about in the direction of the first amendment. The eight values of free expression definitely help when the topic is brought up. The anger and passion towards this topic is allowed to be expressed over social media because they are public platforms with huge audiences. The first amendment condones freedom of speech which is perfect for this current event because people need to talk out and educate others about what is going on in our country. What it does not condone is the violence and aggression towards others and the government. But this topic needs to have some aggression towards the government to help the gove

Eight Values of Free Expression

  Eight Values of Free Expression      After reading the eight values of free expression many of the values stood out to me. Two in particular to me were very important in today's modern times and situations. The value that I want to speak about is the values of Stable Change. This value has been very important in these last few years when it comes to the racism and criticism in the African Americans communities. Recently in our world police systems and other groups of people have been generally racist and one sided when it comes to the freedoms and rights that us Americans have. What I mean by this is that racism is still very prominent in our America today and African Americans have every single right to talk and protest how they feel to get the message across. With the recent events of BLM marches and protests it has given the African American communities a great opportunity to express how they feel about what is going on in our America today. The value of stable change is very

Supreme Court

      Having little knowledge about the supreme court before it was nice to be able to educate myself more about the reasons it was established and how it came to be in the evolution of America. What I learned about the supreme court that I didn't know before is that it has say about the other two branches of the government. I thought before that the supreme court only had say about the laws that our countries has and deals with major cases that deal with these laws. It's interesting to know that the supreme court is also part of all other parts of our government giving them much responsibility. My most important take away from the supreme court is defiantly that they decide what laws are past and what aren't. Having a dependable group of nine people who can collectively decide what is right and wrong for the country is very important and impressive. Seeing those nine people now think about what benefits the country most is amazing. The most surprising thing that I learned

Top 5 Sources for news and information

      When It comes to news and information I like to be able to read a wide variety of services because it can give me the best possible range of information. I read a lot of news sources with a wide genre of topics. Being a game design major I love to keep up with what is happening in the gaming world so I do read many game related services. I also like to pay attention to what is going on around the world so I do look at the popular services for news. I also like to look at social medias to see what is going on with celebrities, artists, friends and athletes that I enjoy. So here are my top 5 sources for news.  1.) PC Gamer:      PC Gamer is a news service within the gaming world. PC Gamers has news about all things gaming whether it's about a new release coming out soon, information about certain products, and things about the developers and their communities. What I enjoy most about PC Gamer is that I can find the information easy and accurately.